I’ve seen quite a few confidence building courses on the internet over the years, and I must say that there aren’t many that have managed to impress me. Most I’ve seen are simply rehashed from existing books on confidence, with nothing new to offer. It’s often the same old techniques, which have been used time and time again in different contexts in different books.
So when I got wind of Peak Confidence, I was naturally wary. The first thought that came to mind was, “Here we go, yet another rip-off out to make a couple of bucks.”
Peak Performance!
But you know the old saying: Never judge a book by its cover. This, of course, applies to eBooks as well. I gave the site a once-over, browsed through what it had to say, and honestly I was barely convinced to give it a try. The one decisive factor for me taking a chance on Peak Confidence was the fact that I had nothing to lose, considering I could always refund within 60 days (which I have done with quite a number of other products).
Actually, I was quite surprised by what I found.
Peak Confidence is in fact one of the more comprehensive confidence building courses I have ever come across. The first couple of chapters defines confidence and what it should mean for you as a person, and the qualities that one must have in order to be confident. It establishes the fact that confidence must begin from the inside, and in order for you to transform yourself into a more confident person, you must first understand yourself.
This eBook contains one of the most insightful content with regards to confidence building that I have read thus far, and it even goes on to take you by the hand and lead you, step by step, on how you can build confidence the effective way. Most other guides tend to show you ways on how to become confident faster, but these techniques rarely last. Peak Confidence shows you specific methods on how you can attain and maintain a heightened sense of confidence, without having it waver through the years or when you encounter circumstances that would usually have a detrimental effect on your sense of self.
The full complete package includes a Workbook that you can use to gauge your confidence building progress as you go along, and it’s really a nifty tool. I found it useful, especially for those with a considerable lack of self-confidence, because what the Workbook really is, is a key component in building up one’s confidence. After all, what better way to build confidence than physical evidence detailing your progress as you grow to be more confident each day?
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As a bonus, the brains behind Peak Confidence (Victor Keith and Greg Frost) have included a free self-esteem eBook, which serves as a complement to the main Peak Confidence guide. As if the main guide wasn’t enough, “The Easy Guide To Building Self-Esteem” details more ways one can build confidence the effective way and achieve a greater sense of self worth at the end of the day. It’s a feel-good guide that teaches you how to be comfortable with yourself as a person, and how negative talk can affect your sense of self worth. It teaches you the essentials and importance of having a good sense of self worth, but at the same time how you can be a better person in the long run.
The bonus also includes a Confidence Booster Software, which works on the principles of Greg Frost’s exclusive subliminal technology. They claim that this software will instill a greater sense of confidence in you by broadcasting subliminal messages and embedding positive affirmations into your mind. The software does this by flashing the messages on your computer screen, and while I initially found this a little disconcerting, once I got used to it.
I’ve seen how effective this course is, because I’ve tried it myself and I’ve recommended it to others, and we’ve all seen considerable improvements to our confidence. The good thing about these kinds of courses is the fact that you’re able to save a ton of money from seminars and life coaches, and what’s great about Peak Confidence is that it is one of the rare few products out there that is really, really effective.
For $17.95, it really is great value for money, all things considered. You’re getting something that is potentially life-changing, and you won’t even have to shell out hundreds for someone to tell you the things you can read for yourself. It is definitely a product I would highly recommend if you’ve ever experienced a moment of self-doubt in your life.
Check it out today.
JD Marshall
Peak Performance