21 Days to a New You

The Rule of 21

Research shows that in order for any behavior or action to become automatic
or routine, it must be done daily over a period of twenty-one consecutive days.

You can use this rule to break yourself of bad habits or to create better life changing habits. After 21 days the neural pathways of your mind have began to form and take root. By this time you are more likely to have broken your bad habits or have developed new healthier habits.

(Keep in mind that some bad habits may take a bit longer but don't give up,
be strong and stick to your goals.)

To help keep you on track over the the next 21 days write your progress down in a journal or use a calender to keep track of your progress as you head to that big red circled 21st day. Yes, you will find the first few days to be tough but you will find that your new commitment gets easier as you move forward.

Count each day that you have passed as a success and don't put yourself down
if you fail one day. Pick yourself up and start fresh with another new day.

5 simple reasons for breaking a bad habit.

1. It’s not fair to others:

One of the great universal laws ruling our wonderful planet says that you get back what you put out there.Want others to be kind and considerate to you? Then start putting the considerate, kind vibes out there and pick up your clothes, your dishes, and stop interrupting or whatever it is you or a collective “others” define as a bad habit.

2. It’s not fair to you:

I’m sure you’re a nice person, and you pride yourself on having generous, warmhearted traits. So, it’s not fair to you either that this simple, little, annoying thing you do can wield the power that it now, or will soon have. These tiny culprits have been known to ruin marriages, friendships, and cause the downfall of many a mighty person.
Plus you’ll feel better about yourself.

3. Your success depends on it:

Bad habits have a funny way of scope and context creep.
First they only happen in certain situations, and the next thing you know, you’re at a business function swirling your fingers through the chip dip. Put an end to it now before situations that require your utmost polish become tarnished by these terribly annoying little critters.

4. You probably don’t like it when others do the same thing:

Think about it. If someone did the same thing to you, would it bother you?
Be honest. Sometimes all it takes is a simple exercise in empathy to find the motivation to quit whatever it is we could benefit from stopping.

5. List your own reasons:

But be sincere. What is it costing you to perpetuate these habits?
Whether it’s a moment of peace, seemingly perpetual nagging, or simple anxiety resulting from anticipation of the next blow-up or negative comment, you owe it to yourself to commit to your ongoing personal development, and to the elimination of any behavior whose costs far outweigh the benefits.

Good luck!

What are some new ones you would like to develop?

Leave a comment here and please keep us informed of how you
are doing or what is working for you in your new habits.

We hope that you make us part of your new habits!

Have a confident and positive day.


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